Trail conditions and snow conditions on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Hikes in chamonix are snowy in spring

Trail conditions and snow conditions on the Tour du Mont Blanc

For those of you who are interested in trail conditions and snow conditions on the Tour Du Mont Blanc; keep an eye on this post for updates throughout the season. Remember – even if snow conditions are clear on the trail, it’s very important to bear in mind any avalanche risk from above.

The trail and snow conditions given below are for guidance only and should not be taken as advice. It is important to use your own judgement regarding the safety of the route and your own ability. If you do not have the required experience for the tour du mont blanc, then consider hiring a guide.

Check out our guided tour du mont blanc trips.

22nd June snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

The Cols remain snowy, however the snow is soft and so easy to walk on. There is a good wide track in most places but it is advised to wear sturdy, water-proof boots and use walking poles for balance.

  • Col du Four – A lot of snow but it is soft so passable for competant hikers.
  • Col de la Seigne – Lots of snow in Val Veni from Col de la Seigne but soft and easy to walk on. The road is now being cleared up to the Elisabetta.
  • Col du Bonhomme – Soft snow with a good track in
  • Grand Col Ferret – Some small sections of the path have collapsed between Grand Col Ferret and La Peule. It is still walkable but care should be taken.
  • Path between Bertone and Bonatti – A couple of stream crossings but nothing too serious.

10th June snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

  • Col du Bonhomme – Refuge du col de la Croix du bonhomme is now open. The col is snow covered but the snow is soft for making good tracks. Care should be taken as the snow bridges melt over the coming days and weeks.
  • Grand Col Ferret – Traverse up to Refuge Elena and the final traverse before the col is snowy and exposed. To avoid the traverse up to Elena, walk up the 4×4 track and to avoid the final traverse continue to climb to the ridge which is snow free.

7th June snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

Warm temperatures mean that the snow is gradually melting but there are still large snowfields at altitude. The risk of slipping is significant, even on slopes which aren’t too steep. Be aware of afternoon storms which are forecast all week.

  • Path from Champel to Miage is clear of snow.
  • Path to the Flegere lift station still has large snow patches but can be navigated around.

3rd June snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

The Tour du Mont Blanc trekking season has begun and guided groups have began to head out on the tour. Large patches of snow remain on the route and great care should be taken on snow traverses, particularly in the morning when the ground is still frozen. It is advisable to ask hut wardens before heading out on the route and if you are inexperienced then it is advised to go with a guided group.

  • Col de la Croix du Bonhomme and Col du Bonhomme (France): snow-covered.
  • Col de la Seigne (Italy – France): snow-covered.
  • Grand Col Ferret (Italy – Switzerland): path marked but lots of snow. Be careful crossing rivers on snow bridges which are now collapsing.
  • Alpage de Bovine (Switzerland): better circumventing the canal de la Giette.
  • Col de Balme (France – Switzerland): snow-covered.

31st May snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

There is still snow on the grand col feret, col de balme and lots of snow at the back of Brevent. Near bovine from col de forclaz there is still snow and so you would need to take care as the path involves a steep snowy traverse.

  • Avalanche debris now cleared off the road at Val Ferret, however lots of snow still around and big streams.
  • Refugio Bonatti is open with only a little bit of snow to cross at the final approach to the refuge.

28th May Snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

  • Snow still at Grand Col Ferret
  • Snow melting well in the Val Ferret and
  • Col du Tricot is now clear of snow and the Chalet du Miage is open

19th May Snow conditions on the tour du mont blanc

  • Le tour is melting well
  • Lots of snow still on the Brevent so it is best to take the cable car to the Brevent and walk down to Les Houches rather than going around the back.
  • Aiguilette des Houches is clear of snow
  • Snow at 1950m on the way to Bovine from Cole de la Forclaz. Take care as there are steep snow slopes to traverse


Jennifer Stretton
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One Reply to “Trail conditions and snow conditions on the Tour du Mont Blanc”

  1. Jen says:

    Hi Andrei, thanks for your message. I really don’t recommend the TMB in April or May. If we have a poor snow year this winter then late May could be ok but in general the Cols are way too snowy and dangerous to cross so early in the season. The first guided groups usually get going in mid June and so I’d suggest waiting until then. That way you will have tracks to follow and you can ask around to find out if the cols are safe to cross or not. I hope that helps =)


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