Are you fit enough to hike the Tour du Mont Blanc?

Are you fit enough to hike the Tour du Mont Blanc?

The Tour du Mont Blanc is one of the world’s most epic mountain journeys. Crossing three countries along 90 miles of mountain trails with 25,383.86 feet of ascent and 22,769.03 feet of descent – you had better be prepared!

It’s a strenuous and challenging adventure, but achievable for any fit and motivated hiker! To find out whether you are fit enough to take on the Tour du Mont Blanc, use our check list below:

Have you hiked in the mountains before?

The Tour du Mont Blanc is a strenuous mountain hike along rocky trails which can be exposed in places. If you are not used to walking on mountain trails, then you will want to get some long-distance day hikes under your belt to get used to moving on mountain trails. Getting involved in your local hiking club is a great way to get started and meet training buddies!

Read our Tour du Mont Blanc Itinerary

Tour du mont blanc hikers
Age is just a number: At 74, Heather is the oldest person to join me on a Tour Du Mont Blanc and also one of the fittest! Here she is with assistant guide, Sophie, on the final day of the Tour du Mont Blanc after crushing 4200ft of ascent up to Lac Blanc. Not only did she complete the entire trip but she did so just 4 months after a full knee replacement! What’s her secret? Hiking, hiking, hiking! Heather lives in Colorado and to get fit for the trip she went out hiking with her local club 3 times a week! Now that’s dedication!

Have you done multi-day hikes before?

An average day on the Tour Du Mont Blanc covers 10 miles with up to 4200ft of ascent and descent. Whilst this may sound achievable, are you fit enough to do this every day for up to 5 consecutive days? Our itinerary for the Tour du Mont Blanc has 3 hiking days, 1 rest day and then 5 consecutive hiking days. Multi day hiking is a vital part of training for the Tour du Mont Blanc and will ensure you have the endurance to enjoy the trip.

Are you able to hike at the following speeds?

  • 3 miles/hour on the flat.
  • 1200 feet of ascent per hour.
  • 2000 feet of descent per hour.

If the answer is no, then you will need to put in some more training to get up to speed. On the Tour du Mont Blanc there are no easy alternatives as we need to cross high mountain cols to reach our destination each day. There are few escape routes and every member of the team needs to be fit enough to keep a good pace so we can avoid afternoon storms.

Do you have any joint problems?

If you have serious joint problems, particularly knee pain, then the Tour du Mont Blanc is inadvisable. The trails on the Tour du Mont Blanc are very steep in places and each day involves an average of 3000ft of ascent and descent which can leave even the youngest knees feeling sore (speak to any mountain guide after a season of hiking and they will agree!)

Read 5 tips for injury free trekking

Have you got a head for heights?

The trails on the Tour Du Mont Blanc are mostly wide and well-groomed, however the terrain can be steep and exposed in some places. There are also a few days when we take gondolas to shorten our ascents and descents. For the average fit hiker, the trails will feel safe and easy under-foot, but if you have a serious fear of heights/gondola rides then the Tour Du Mont Blanc may not be for you.

Hiker on ladders to lac blanc on the tour du mont blanc
One of our wonderful guests Mary Lee topping out of the ladder section up to Lac Blanc, Chamonix. She was a little nervous before starting up but with some encouragement she cruised to the top laughing and smiling! One of my favourite parts of being a mountain guide is pushing people out of their comfort zone and helping them to realise they are so much more capable than they realise!

Still not sure if you’re fit enough for the Tour du Mont Blanc?

If you’re still not sure whether you are fit enough to take on the challenge, then please feel free to get in touch with us. You will be able to speak to one of our team members who have hiked the Tour du Mont Blanc and discuss your experience with them. They will be able to advise you whether the Tour du Mont Blanc is the right hike for you or whether you may enjoy one of our other adventures more.

Find out more about the Tour du Mont Blanc

Check out our list of trip dates for next year

Read about the Alpenwild Tour du Mont Blanc

Jennifer Stretton
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