A Wonderful Year of Nature Stories

Simone and crow

It’s been exactly a year ago that I’ve published my first story on the Alps Hiking Blog. Edelweiss – The Symbol of the Alps, a short story on how perfectly adapted these tiny furry flowers are to life in the alpine zone. And since then, every week I’ve been sharing with you stories about the one thing I love the most: nature in our mountains. It has been such a great pleasure to share with you my passion for the natural world!

Sometimes people ask me if I have difficulties finding a new subject to write about every week, but the Alps are just so incredibly rich: there is an endless amount of stories hidden in these mountains. The list below shows the blogs I’ve published in the last 12 months and looking at the diversity of subjects in this list makes you marvel at how incredibly divers nature in the Alps actually is. I’ve been writing about mammals, birds, extraordinary mountain clouds, edible and medicinal plants, lichen, alpine flowers, et cetera, et cetera and there is still a lifetime of discoveries ahead of us ?

Thank you so much for reading these stories and appreciating the natural wonders of the Alps with me. I was lucky enough to meet some of you on the Tour du Mont Blanc this summer while visiting the Saussurea Alpine Garden. It has been so wonderful sharing with you everything I love so much about the Alps. I just can’t think of anything more fulfilling in life then sharing my passion with others. Thank you so much!

Tour du Mont Blanc Nature Garden
Simone points out the special features of  an alpenrose in the Saussurea Alpine Garden. Alpenwild Tour du Mont Blanc participants get to experience this unique treat on their trek rest day. Photo credit: Chloé Georges.

A Long List of Wonderful Nature Stories



Fish, reptiles and amphibians

Extraordinary Mountain Clouds

The Matterhorn

  • How the Matterhorn got its iconic shape – Oct 16, 2018
  • A unique peak – Oct 23, 2018

Edible and medicinal plants

Flora in the Alps

Nature highlights on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Wildlife coping with winter

Coniferous forests

  • A guide to coniferous trees in the Alps – Oct 2, 2018
  • Who’s been nibbling on that cone? – September 7, 2019


Simone van Velzen

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