How Hotels are Adjusting to Covid19

Hotels Switzerland

A Shift in the Travel Industry

At Alpenwild, the comfort and safety of all of our guests are our highest priorities. The same goes for all of our business partners. Coronavirus has presented unprecedented times. Here are some ways that our partner hotels are adjusting,  in addition to our excellent customer service, to ensure the safety of all of our guests:

Temperature Monitoring

All hotel staff and guests are being monitored by radar temperature taking-technology to ensure that the hotels remain fever-free.

Social Distancing

Social distancing, staying six feet apart from other individuals as recommended by the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control, is facilitated and highly encouraged.

Excellent Hygiene

All persons within hotels are asked to maintain the highest hygiene standards including the proper and frequent washing of hands, coughing and sneezing in the crook of the arm and more.

Use of Masks

The practice of the use of masks has been adopted by hotel staff members to protect guests. Guests are also highly encouraged to wear masks.


All hotel rooms are cleaned daily to meet strict standards of sanitation and perfection.

Contact-Free Payment

Credit card, wire transfers and other online forms of payments are now preferred payment methods due to their contact-free attributes. Cash is no longer accepted at many accommodations to reduce the exchange of pathogens. 

Restricted Services

Hotel and accommodation doors and services, including wellness centers are restricted to current, paying hotel guests.

Coronavirus has certainly impacted the travel industry. As always, Alpenwild will continue to offer enjoyable and safe, small group and self-guided tours. Such group sizes have always been conducive to guest involvement and tour enjoyment, and now we are seeing that group sizes are one more way to travel safely. 

We hope that our guests will continue to book Alpenwild tours in confidence. For more questions about how we are handling Coronavirus, visit this page. We work diligently to continuously elevate our tours and services. When you feel that you can travel safely again, we  hope you will book a tour with us.


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